Dr.-Ing. habil. Hans-Jürgen Weidemann
Chief Technology Officer and Member of the Executive Board
Dr.-Ing. habil. Hans-Jürgen Weidemann is the founder, Chief Technology Officer, and Member of the Executive Board at CargoBeamer AG. He received his mechanical engineering degree at the Technical University of Munich, where he also completed a doctorate and habilitation. Weidemann then spent several years in research as a program manager for automation systems at the ABB Group. Together with Michael Baier and Fritz Merk, he developed the technology and founded CargoBeamer AG, which Weidemann has developed into a successful, internationally active, and growing company as CEO for many years. Since the beginning of 2022, he has been responsible for the technical departments for further developing the company's proprietary wagons and terminals as CTO.
Images kindly supported by Chemnitz Museum of Industry.